Category Archives: Uncategorized
Starlines: Space Odysseys & Science Oddities
You know that bombshell I teased earlier? Well . . . BOOM! Just in time for the new year, let’s end 2024 with a bang. Starlines is a retrospective sci-fi anthology, collecting together many of the field’s greatest writers. One … Continue reading
Bloodlines: A Treasury of Nightmares
Bloodlines: A Treasury of Nightmares The greatest masters of the macabre are collected in a single volume that spans two centuries. In these pages are the dead and the damned: bloodthirsty vampires and wicked werewolves, mythic monsters and cosmic terrors, … Continue reading
Coming Back Online
*taps microphone* *clears throat* Hello? Hello. Hello! So it’s . . . been a minute. Eight years, give or take. I dusted off my WordPress skills to let y’all know there will be news forthcoming. Book News. I’ve been head … Continue reading
Halloween Stories VI
It’s that time of year again, when the days grow shorter and the shadows grow longer. In order to get you in a proper Halloween mood, here’s another selection of scary tales I personally recommend. “Pigeons from Hell” — Robert E. … Continue reading
Scriptshadow 250 Contest
I wrote a splashy action movie called LIBERTY ISLAND. Last year I entered it into a writing competition mostly because the contest was free and the movie producer behind it has some cachet. Recently a list of the top 25 … Continue reading
Halloween Stories V
Been some time since I last posted, but I wanted to extend my annual tradition of serving up free scary stories in time for Halloween. This year I chose a classic from Mr. October himself, Ray Bradbury. Bradbury wrote many a … Continue reading
A writer friend, Tom Piccirilli, passed away this morning after a valiant battle with brain cancer. If you don’t know his work, buy a couple of his books. Take your pick; they’re all equally good. After I heard the news, … Continue reading
Link Olio
Read this article about the endless slate of horror movie sequels Hollywood pumps out. The horror and action genres have always been more franchise-oriented than other genres; today it seems excessive that even successful comedies and dramas need to be … Continue reading
Link Olio
Read this great article about film marketing that appeared a few years back in The New Yorker. Writing and filmmaking I understand; the selling of a project, however, remains foreign to me. This shed a lot of light on a … Continue reading
2015 Stoker Awards
The 25th World Horror Convention takes place next month (May 7-10) in Atlanta. The annual Bram Stoker Awards are being held in conjunction with WHC this year, and the nominees are listed below. Additionally, this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award honoree … Continue reading