The e-book for Blackstone will be available by the end of May; the print version goes on sale early next month. I’m currently taking preorders for Blackstone (which you can find in THE SHOP). Paperbacks are sold for fifteen dollars, but preorders will be discounted by 20 percent. That knocks the price down to twelve bucks, or works out to free shipping. Follow the normal checkout process through Paypal (you don’t need to be signed up with Paypal to use their services).
I’m happy to flat-sign all preorders, of course. If you want a personalized inscription, that can be arranged too. Just email me at and tell me to whom you’d like the book autographed.
Keep in mind, you can snag any of my novels at any time from I include extra goodies for any orders I personally ship, and I keep stock on hand so I never run out.
As always, thanks for your interest in my work.