It’s been nearly a month since I updated the site. That’s longer than a prefer to go between posts, but I’ve been busy behind the scenes. I began a new novel at the start of this month, and I’m shooting to have a first-pass rough draft done by Halloween. I’m hoping to cram four months’ worth of work into eight weeks — a doable yet very challenging prospect — and as such, certain extra-curriculars like blogging have been neglected. My apologies.
Things should get back to normal during the second half of next month. While the run up to Halloween makes October my busiest month, this year it also coincides with my 15-year writing anniversary. I have some special treats scheduled in celebration of that.
Right now things are flying along on this new book (my seventh, for those keeping count). I’m superstitious about discussing works-in-progress, so I’m gonna keep tight-lipped about it for now. I should have some juicy tidbits to drop next month, so look forward to that.
What I can tell you at the moment: The novel is set in a fresh genre for me, one in which I’ve never before worked. And while it doesn’t contain supernatural elements, rest assured it is horror related and should appeal to my usual readers.
Two articles of note before I disappear back into the book:
The first is an oldie but goodie from Joyce Carol Oates, a lengthy essay she published back in the ’90s about H.P. Lovecraft.
The second is a new Kickstarter project that just launched, called In the Dark. I’m not much of a comic fan personally, but this looks interesting nonetheless. If you prefer your horror to be more visual, think about kicking in a few bucks.