I’m typing this on my brand new Toshiba laptop. Best Buy had it on sale for a price I couldn’t pass up, about $350. I purchased it the day after Black Friday. As I expected them to sell out quickly, I made sure to be at the store when it opened. It comes with a webcam, Windows 7 and a lot of other crunchies I haven’t yet explored.
I’ve been looking at getting a new computer for the past six months or so. My old one — another Toshiba — was ten years old and still ran on Windows ’98. I put a lot of words through it (a few screenplays, a few novels and a couple dozen short stories), and it was slowly breaking down. It could no longer play DVDs or music, and it had a tendancy to freeze and crash. The new computer doesn’t take floppy disks though, and all my work from the past twelve years is collected on about 10 disks. That means I’ll have to upload everything to a server and pull it from there.