Yesterday Rocky Wood passed away, after battling ALS for the past several years. Rocky is best known for his Stephen King work, and he served as current president of the Horror Writers Association. I expect some statement from the HWA to be issued shortly; until then, here’s the death notice from SF Site News.
Mental Floss lists ten writers’ houses that have been converted into museums. The only one on this list I’ve personally visited is Hemingway’s home in Key West. It’s worth seeing if you’re in the Florida Keys. I’d love to see the residence Hemingway had in Cuba as well, which was seized by the government when Castro took control. The Cubans rather revere Papa, and they keep his place as a shrine to the author.
And an interesting article about the current (broken) television rating system, from Ad Week. Ratings will remain a joke until Nielsen finds a way to count all those people in my generation who don’t watch TV live. Simply put, what worked in the 20th century ain’t gonna cut it in the 21st.