Halloween Stories II

I did this for last Halloween, listed a few of my favorite horror stories, and I thought I’d continue the tradition this year.  Here are another three goodies to read by candlelight before bedtime.

Shalken the Painter — J. Sheridan Le Fanu

Was it a Dream? — Guy de Maupassant

Caterpillars — E.F. Benson

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And Then There Were Five . . .

Over the weekend rumors spread that Penguin and Random House were looking at a possible merger; this morning came confirmation.  That means the Big Six will become the Big Five, and the new company will be called Penguin Random House.  (I prefer someone’s suggestion of “Random Penguin” better.)  Read about it via Publishers’ Weekly.

Earlier this month came news that Simon & Schuster has reorganized, cutting two of its six adult publishing imprints.  Look for further consolidation down the road, from the companies that are left.

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Review 2 Preview

I wanted to make this big announcement in time for Halloween.  You’ll notice a new page along the header, Review 2 Preview.  I’ll double post the info here on the main page as well.  I also made changes to THE SHOP to reflect this new promotion.  I’m excited, and I hope you’ll take me up on this great offer.

* * * * *

The reader/writer relationship is important; more than that, it’s sacrosanct.  Without one, the other would be shouting into a void.  So I thank you for taking the time to explore my stories, especially considering how many entertainment choices are available these days.

The digital revolution has instituted many publishing changes in the past few years.  Some things, however, remain the same.  One thing that isn’t different is the fact authors rely heavily on word-of-mouth to share our stories and our message.  No marketing tool can trump a trusted friend who recommends a new author or a good book.

With that in mind, I’m launching a new program called Review-2-Preview.  The notion is simple:  if you’re willing to spread the word about my work, you can read my books for free.  Buy one book, review it and I’ll send you another one of your choice.  Review that one too and have a third.  You get the idea.  You’ll be able to read through my entire backlist for the price of that first book. 

The main reason I didn’t introduce this program earlier is because I wanted to have several different titles available, rather than just one or two.  Questions?  Read this FAQ.


Leave a review on Amazon.  Or Barnes & Noble.  Or GoodReads.  Or Smashwords.  Or Shelfari.  Or Pinterest (whatever the hell that is).  “Like” my novels on Facebook, tweet about them to your friends, start a discussion about them on your favorite message board or blog about them on your website.  In terms of driving sales, customer reviews on Amazon or B&N are probably most effective.

I’m flexible if you have an idea for something else that raises awareness about my work.  Feel free to get creative.


Do any two of these things, send me the appropriate links at jaredsandman@writeme.com and tell me which book you’d like to read next.  (Please specify what type of e-reader you own, so I know whether to send a PDF or ePub file.  All e-readers except the Kindle can read ePub.) 

The reviews don’t have to be different for the same book.  If you want to write one then cut and paste it to multiple sites, that works for me.  That’s what a lot of book bloggers do.  It doesn’t have to be long either; four or five good sentences is a perfect length.  Of course, if you wanna write more that’s okay too.

It’s that easy.  A few minutes of your time in exchange for 5-6 hours of entertainment.


I wouldn’t leave out my readers who prefer hardcopies.  While I can’t afford to give away physical copies as freely, I can offer a 50% discount.  Purchase any of my trade paperbacks through THE SHOP for $7.50 instead of the usual $15.  And yes, that includes S&H, which means you’re getting the book at cost.  This deal applies to US residents only.  Apologies to my readers in Angola, both of them.


Yes, that sounds awesome.  What’s most important is your honest assessment.  I certainly hope you enjoy the books, but ultimately I have no control over that.  I wrote the stories I wanted to write, and they will either resonant with you or they won’t.  But I believe the majority of people understand there are both a respectful and a disrespectful way to review.

Here are a couple of examples:

GOOD REVIEW:  See the books I’ve reviewed on GoodReads to get an idea what I’m looking for.

NOT A GOOD REVIEW:  FiVe StArS!!!!  Jared Sandman is teh shit.  I can haz free books now.


Depends on how successful it proves.  Maybe a month, maybe a year, maybe forever.  I’d like to amass at least three dozen reviews per book on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  Once I hit that modest goal, I’ll assess how much readers enjoy the program.  Tell me what you think; I always welcome feedback.


Have you read “Casting the Runes” by M.R. James?  No?  Well, then you have no idea of the eldritch horrors that shall soon befall thee . . .

In all seriousness, I don’t expect everyone to like every book.  It’s ludicrous to expect that anyone can please one hundred percent of people one hundred percent of the time.  That’s true for any artist working in any medium.

All I can say is that if you don’t like one particular book, try another.  Each of my titles is a standalone.  There are plenty of writers I love, but not a single one that I’ve loved everything he or she has written.  For example, had The Three Musketeers been the first Alexandre Dumas book I picked up, I would have never bothered to read The Count of Monte Cristo (now one of my all-time favorites).

Bear in mind, what you may hate someone else may love.  There are a million reading tastes; luckily, there are a million writers catering to each one.




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Three Tenets: Part III (Available)

I got an email this week from a reader asking about my three tenets of New Publishing.  She pointed out that I never posted the third part of the multi-post arc.  I was pretty certain I had; only after checking into it did I realize she was right.  Part III was still sitting on my hard drive.  So, with my sincere apologies, here’s the final installment.

Part I (Professional)

Part II (Affordable)

* * * * *

The third and final aspect of New Publishing that I want to address is availability.  The key to a sale nowadays is by making any purchase as frictionless as possible.  The fewer clicks between consumer and product, the better.  Amazon has a one-click pay system, as does Apple; Barnes & Noble too has its “Express Lane” for ease of use.  By streamlining the payment process, consumers are likely to spend more.

Of course for that to happen, you must have your book on sale in as many avenues as possible, including your personal website.  Once your book has worked its way into the distribution chain, it’ll pop up in secondary markets like those found at www.gettextbooks.com.  Your primary outlets will remain the biggest chains:  Amazon, B&N, Apple.  You’ll sell a handful of copies through others like BAM, Smashwords, Sony and Kobo.  Don’t overlook those markets just because they’re smaller.

I think it’s only fair that if someone buys an e-book, he or she should be able to read it on any e-reader.  The digital file should be easy to transfer from one electronic device to another, so I’m steadfast against DRM.  Digital Rights Management is more hassle than it’s worth, and it’s nice to see some major publishers coming around to that same conclusion.  DRM is easy enough for any savvy hacker to break in no time, while simultaneously frustrating to your average reader. 

You want your work available in multiple formats across multiple platforms.  I don’t just mean the Kindle vs. Nook vs. iPad.  E-books are important, yes, but you’ll also want to offer a print version for those who don’t own an e-reader.  Look to Createspace or Lulu to fill those needs.  I can’t speak for Lulu because I have no personal experience with them; Createspace, however, has been a joy to work with.

And don’t forget about your local libraries.  Have your book distributed by Ingram or Baker & Taylor to reach that market.  Libraries can receive e-books as well, handled largely through Overdrive.

Something that I haven’t yet done is audio books.  Many people enjoy listening to stories on the go.  To reach that audience, try ACX or Podiobooks.  You can either narrate and produce the finished product yourself (and keep the majority of the money) or take bids for a producer and actor to fill those roles (and share the proceeds evenly with them).

The only format you likely won’t be able to reproduce is foreign editions.  You can hire out a freelance translator and go that route, but I guarantee you won’t make back your investment.  In lieu of that, another option is to split the profits with your translator . . . but a freelancer probably won’t take that deal unless your book’s already a bestseller.  Technology and pricing are still too cost prohibitive to make this work; give it another five or ten years and I’m confident that authors will be able to reach those untapped markets overseas.

Not only does wide availability give your readers more options, it gives you more revenue streams.  Some will be but a trickle, others a steady gush, but together they add up.  I’ve discovered readers only care about getting a good story at a fair price.  If you can meet those modest standards, you’ll be able to compete with the largest publishers in the world.  Any criteria beyond that tend to be subjective “rules” from publishing insiders, sometimes misleading and often contradictory.

These three tenets are no guarantee of fame and riches, of course, but by following them you can best position yourself to garner success along the way.

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All Hallow’s Read

What, you haven’t heard of All Hallow’s Read?  Well, learn about it from Neil Gaiman.

It’s hard to start a new tradition, but I think this one is worth pursuing because it promotes literacy among kids and teens.  If you cannot afford to give away scary books for Halloween (who can?), at least consider sharing your favorite short stories.  Neil’s website has a good place to start, a printable version of E.A. Poe’s “The Raven” that can be folded into a mini-booklet.  Great idea, though I think Poe’s a little hard to grasp for even adults.

I wanted to participate last year, but work on my own books got in the way.  This month, however, I’ll be ready.  I chose half a dozen stories from a horror anthology of flash fiction called Horrors!  365 Scary Stories.  Each tale, fewer than 1,000 words, fits perfectly on a single page — printed front and back — on high-quality resume paper.  At the top I included a header for All Hallow’s Read, plus the website address and a catchy slogan (Share a Scare this Halloween).

Obviously it’s important to choose stories that are appropriate for your target audience.  Many of the ones I selected involve child characters, ranging from grade school to high school age.  None of them is gory; the best stories build suspense on the implication of horror rather than an overt act of violence.  Let the reader fill in the blank.  And for classic flavor, I added a personal favorite of mine from Ambrose Bierce, “One Summer Night,” a nasty little tale about grave robbing that packs a healthy wallop.

I figure there will be enough to go around, so kids who come in groups can each get a different story and hopefully read them aloud to one another before bedtime.  What better way to end Halloween night than with a scary story?

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Author Showcase

Anyone in the local area is invited to attend this month’s author showcase at the East Lake Library in Palm Harbor.  I’ll be speaking there next Tuesday (Oct. 16th) at 6:30 PM.  Click here for more info.  Bring a friend, and come prepared with questions about horror, writing, horror writing or literature in general.  Copies of all my books will be on hand, in case anyone wants to snag a signed copy.

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Starving Artists

(Originally posted last year on The Word Zombie, as part of my Blogbuster Tour.)


Today I’d like to talk a bit about the differences between an artist (or artiste, as they usually call themselves) and a professional.  I know too many people who take pride in being labeled starving artists.  They feel if a creative individual makes money off his or her work, its impact or the effort that went into crafting it is somehow diminished.  This appears the same across multiple art forms, from painting to music to writing.

The dirty secret is that starving artists don’t have to starve.  Creative types are generally terrible with numbers (especially money), so shrewd businessmen easily take advantage of them.  These snake oil salesmen no doubt amassed their own fortunes by co-opting others’ bright ideas and wouldn’t be able to conjure an original notion to save their hides.  The artists get exploited in the partnership only because they allow themselves to be.

No one should make more money off an idea than the person who originated it.  I cringe when I hear stories of writers who got paid $5,000 for their novel, then sold the film rights for another $5,000, after which some screenwriter is hired at ten times that rate to perform one-fourth the amount of work.

Artists wait for inspiration to strike.  I find the notion of a Muse too lofty and romantic.  Professionals understand there’s no magic involved in the creative process (well, maybe a pinch).  The only “trick” involves applying one’s talents to the project at hand and not giving up until it’s finished.  For writing a book, that may take anywhere from six months to a year or two.  A professional knows to handle the job like any other career, which requires a tremendous amount of self-motivation and self-discipline.  For example, I know if I don’t treat it like a real job, no one else will.

This warrants two separate skill sets, and many people have difficulty balancing both.  There are the faculties associated with the creative side of the business and those on the entrepreneurial end.  After spending eight months working on a book, pouring my blood and sweat onto the page, I wind up with something to which I’m emotionally and psychologically attached.  It’s my responsibility to set aside those feelings when it comes to selling the project.  I must take off my Creator cap and put on my Businessman cap.  This novel’s no longer my pride and joy; it’s an intellectual property set to be auctioned to the highest bidder.

I understand it’s not all about money.  When cash alone (and not passion) drives one’s motives, one creates art that’s devoid of soul because it was developed for a quick buck.  (In the publishing industry, look no further than James Patterson or Nicholas Sparks to find proof of that.)

Bestseller money isn’t necessary for every writer.  I think most would be quite happy simply making enough to afford such luxuries as health insurance or a retirement plan.  A comfortable living is all many professionals ask; after all, that’s the only way we can justify doing what we love.

And that’s one thing on which both artistes and professionals can agree.

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Tom Piccirilli


Best wishes and a speedy recovery to author Tom Piccirilli, who’s undergoing brain surgery today to have a sizeable tumor removed.  He’s a great western/horror/crime writer, and you should be reading his stuff if you’re not already.

For those who’d like to help out, consider purchasing any of his novels.  Here’s a full list of titles at Amazon.  If you prefer e-books, his digital publisher (Crossroad Press) has agreed to give Tom 100% of their proceeds from sales of his books.  In a more direct manner, you can donate to a Indiegogo fund set up on Tom’s behalf.

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Advance & Review

Couple things of note today:

Horror Palace just posted a review of my latest novel, Blackstone.  They gave it 10 out of 10, so I’m glad they enjoyed the book.

Earlier this week The Smoking Gun reported that Penguin Publishing is suing to recoup advances from several non-fiction writers who had signed contracts with them.  It’s standard operating procedure for a writer to return an advance if he or she cannot meet their deadline for whatever reason.  I think Penguin has every right to pursue legal action.  What I don’t agree with, however, is suing for the added interest as well.  That seems tacky.  Publishers hold onto royalties for far longer than necessary (six months versus thirty days from Amazon or B&N).  They could pay on a more timely schedule but choose not to.  No doubt that money accrues interest for them during the interim, not a penny of which ever makes it to their authors.  May not sound like a lot to fuss over, but that adds up over time. 

The article doesn’t specify whether the authors failed to deliver a manuscript at all, or if they did and Penguin merely rejected it.  In the case of the latter, I think their legal case becomes much murkier.

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Replenish Your Creative Wellspring

Over the next few weeks I’ll be reposting some of the guest spots I wrote during last summer’s Blogbuster Tour.  Here’s the first one, from I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read.


Next month my upcoming novel will be published, The Shadow Wolves.  It’s my fourth book, though not the fourth I’ve written.  Four books released in less than a year, a quartet on which I’ve worked every day for the past fifteen months.  During that time I’ve lost fifteen pounds, compromised my immune system, have been plagued by bouts of stress-induced insomnia, and recently found gray whiskers in my beard.  (Not a single silver hair either, a noticeable patch.)

No doubt all this stems from the tremendous pile of work I’ve pounded out in that short time.  I’ve written or edited about 380,000 words since I started last spring (and proofed that amount four times over).  There are days I feel as though my brain will turn into hot porridge and dribble out my ears.  And despite feeling — mentally, at least — like an obese man slogging through the last half mile of a marathon, I can’t allow that to affect my work.  It’s my responsibility as a writer to ensure that the fourth book is just as well written, taut and free of errors as the first.  I would not recommend undertaking a similar feat to anyone else, and I certainly won’t do it again.  Four books in one year has cleared my backlist.  I have other manuscripts collecting dust on the bookshelf, but none I’d feel comfortable sharing with the public.

Have you ever exercised so rigorously or worked at some labor-intensive task to the point you can barely think straight?  You’ve stressed your body so much that it affects your mind.  And the reverse is just as true.  I know certain writers who gain twenty pounds while writing the rough draft of a new novel; equally, there are authors who lose that much weight.  (Some people snack absentmindedly as they type, and others get so wrapped up in the storytelling they forget simple things like bathing or eating.)  It’s obvious to me now that my mind and body are connected in a symbiotic relationship.

It’s important for writers to recharge their mental batteries and allow their creative wellspring to refill.  After the Blogbuster Tour concludes at the end of August, I’ll take a month-long break.  I look forward to September, when I’ll have time to go on walks every evening and will finally sit down to watch all those shows that I’ve recorded on the TiVo then ignored.  But I won’t be entirely unchained from work, as in the back of my mind ideas already percolate for other projects.

Because come October, I start the next book.


UPDATE:  That book I began last October was Blackstone, my haunted prison novel, which is now on sale.

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