Monthly Archives: June 2013
Richard Matheson (1926-2013)
Richard Matheson passed away this week at the age of 87. Anyone who follows this blog has heard me mention that name many times before, and for good reason. Matheson was a huge influence on my writing, one of three … Continue reading
Amazon Storyteller & Fahrenheit 451
This week Amazon premiered a new feature through its upstart movie studio. It’s called Amazon Storyteller, and you can read about it here. Basically it’ll turn any uploaded screenplay into a rough storyboard, which can help both writers and producers in … Continue reading
Where Writers Write & Fan Letter
Couple of notable items this morning, as a tropical storm sweeps overhead and the rain keeps coming down. First is an article from i09 about sci-fi writers and their workspaces. I find it interesting to dissect a writer’s work area and see the actual spot … Continue reading