Author Archives: Jared Sandman

Link Olio

Here’s an article from The Hollywood Reporter about the changing state of internships in Hollywood.  Looks like things are turning around, but only because people are finally speaking out. A couple cool videos to also share.  The first is a … Continue reading

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Link Olio

Here are a few things of note from around the ‘net. Vulture ran a series of horror-centric articles leading up to Halloween.  One of the best was this piece about the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. The New York Times also … Continue reading

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Halloween Stories IV

It’s that time of year again, when I share a few of my favorite short stories to help get folks in the Halloween spirit.  These tales are best read at bedtime, by candlelight.  Barring that, e-readers work just as well. … Continue reading

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16 Lessons (4 of 4)

13)  Everybody’s first novel sucks.  Get over it. You have one trunk novel, Blood Money.  You write it right out of high school.  It’s a pretty solid book for being written by an eighteen-year-old, but it’s far too complex an … Continue reading

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16 Lessons (3 of 4)

9)    Structure is your friend. The sooner you impose structure on your creative process, the faster you’ll see a return on investment.  Writing a book is difficult work no matter what, so embrace any trick or technique that allows you … Continue reading

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16 Lessons (2 of 4)

5)    Professional is as professional does. Some people define “professional” solely in monetary terms.  A professional is someone who makes a financial living from his or her work.  And I agree with that assessment (to a degree), but I find … Continue reading

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16 Lessons (1 of 4)

I started writing in 1998, so as of this month I’ve been doing it for sixteen years.  As such, I figure this is a good time to share some things I’ve learned during that period.  Had I the ability to … Continue reading

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Link Olio

I’ll be posting a four-part series about writing over the next week or so.  Until then, here are a few things from the Interwebz that caught my interest. Television writer Javier Grillo-Marxuach published an essay in the Los Angeles Review … Continue reading

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Link Olio

Here’s a Los Angeles Times article from 1990 about screenwriter Shane Black.  At one point he was the highest-paid writer in Hollywood, then he fell out of favor with the movie studios and had to wander the desert for forty … Continue reading

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Busted Pilots

Here are a couple of sitcom pilots from the ’90s.  The first, Pistol Pete, comes from John Swartzwelder.  He wrote more episodes of The Simpsons than anyone else, almost three seasons’ worth, including many of the absolute classics (“Itchy and … Continue reading

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