Monthly Archives: October 2014
Halloween Stories IV
It’s that time of year again, when I share a few of my favorite short stories to help get folks in the Halloween spirit. These tales are best read at bedtime, by candlelight. Barring that, e-readers work just as well. … Continue reading
16 Lessons (4 of 4)
13) Everybody’s first novel sucks. Get over it. You have one trunk novel, Blood Money. You write it right out of high school. It’s a pretty solid book for being written by an eighteen-year-old, but it’s far too complex an … Continue reading
16 Lessons (3 of 4)
9) Structure is your friend. The sooner you impose structure on your creative process, the faster you’ll see a return on investment. Writing a book is difficult work no matter what, so embrace any trick or technique that allows you … Continue reading
16 Lessons (2 of 4)
5) Professional is as professional does. Some people define “professional” solely in monetary terms. A professional is someone who makes a financial living from his or her work. And I agree with that assessment (to a degree), but I find … Continue reading